Our Weekend Web Watch is being brought to you this weekend by The Web Files crew. I thought it might be fun to have one of our crew members select their favorite episode that you might have missed. This week, Jenn Bobiwash, our PA and all-around Renaissance woman, picked Dusty Peacock with Gary Valentine. I thought this was fitting since Daphne Brogdon used to co-host a show with Gary and she is our current guest on The Web Files. We interviewed Gary back in July when our show was only a few weeks old on the web. Gary came from a different perspective than many of our guests in that he has an established career and a fully-funded web series. He didn't have the challenges that many of us are facing, so it was an interesting and funny interview. I also think the episode is worth seeing for the location alone. Another Sandra Payne genius idea!
Check out the episode and our behind the scenes look at filming with Gary Valentine. I really think this is an episode that is worth revisiting if you missed it the first time. Enjoy your Weekend Web Watch!
PS Don't forget that voting is still open:
Clicker.com awards: Best Original Non-Fiction Web Show
And for the Streamys: Best Hosted Web Series
Thanks for your support and votes!
And for the Streamys: Best Hosted Web Series
Thanks for your support and votes!