My month started off with a trip to Costa Rica and an amazing day rappelling down waterfalls in Arenal.

Yep, that's me going down a 100-foot waterfall. This shot makes me look like I have real muscles. I like that.

The Streamy Awards! I was a part of the streaming red carpet feed. One of my first interviews was with the cast of Private High Musical with Dennis Haskins.

I look a little stunned to be standing next to Dennis, but that red carpet was packed and so much fun!

My final interview of the night was with Lisa Kudrow and the cast of Web Therapy. What a great way to top off the evening.
So here I am full circle and asking you to nominate The Web Files for Best Hosted Web Series for the 2010 Streamys. Just look in the upper right hand corner of this page. The box will take you right to the nominations page. You can nominate the show all the way through January 22nd.

We are also in the running for Best Web Original Non-Fiction show for 2009 by It just takes a second to vote for us. Voting ends December 31st. Vote here: The Web Files
Thanks for all of your assistance with this. I appreciate it! Coming tomorrow, my April 2009 wrap-up in 5 photos or less.