Kicking off the night with man who created the dark, compelling world of Compulsions, Bernie Su:

Not sure what we are doing in this photo, but we got the memo: strapless dress, long necklace, and shiny shoes! Way to go, Janna Bossier!
One of my favorite people and fellow Oreo fan, Annemarie Pazmino:

Director Nathan Atkinson and I meet for the first time at the Compulsions premiere:
Strike a pose....okay, so I strike the same pose over and over: hand on hip, slight turn to my right, look over left shoulder.

My absolute favorite photo of the night: The Web Files crew hamming it up! DP Perry Payne, Makeup Artist Melissa Anchondo, and Renaissance Woman/PA Jenn Bobiwash:
Wow, actor Andrew Clemons is really tall and I am really short even though I am wearing 4" heels that night:

I always have time to dance!
The screening finished up with a Q & A panel that I moderated. It was my first time moderating a panel and I wanted to make sure we heard from everyone on the panel and grabbed questions from the audience. I think we succeeded in covering the most important areas about the creation, casting, and shooting process. I had such a blast up there, so I hope there is another panel moderation in my future! Jacob Nahin kindly posted the panel, click here to view: Compulsions Panel.

Stop back here tomorrow for an EXCLUSIVE fashion wrap-up of the Compulsions premiere. As anyone who watches E! knows, it's all about who you wear on the red carpet! Find out who went designer, who was a Killer Bee, and what the theme of the evening was.
Be sure to check out our coverage of the Compulsions premiere: