Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Web TV Workshop

Last night I had the opportunity to speak on a panel at Web TV Workshop moderated by one of its co-founders, Damian Pelliccione, and TechZulu host, Amanda Coolong.  It was a terrific panel that focused on all aspects of creating a web series from the ground up:  branding, film festivals, media, producing, and advertising.  I was joined by an impressive group on the panel:

Matt Bolish:  Director of Programming, Anaheim Film Festival
Michael Redford Carney:  Writer/Actor, Flashing Lives
Jeremiah McMillan:  Founder, Global Content Group

If you missed the panel, it is archived over at TechZulu or check it below.  The panel is a little over an hour and it ends with a big finish--the Electric Slide!  (You have to watch to see how that one evolved.)  Thank you to Diahnna Nicole Baxter and Damian for inviting me to speak on the panel.  It was an inspiring night!

I will also be speaking at a FREE panel tomorrow night about putting your best foot forward on the red carpet. You can either watch it live online at Mingle Media TV or if you are in LA, come join us at Showbiz Cafe from 6:30-8:30 PM.  Make sure to RSVP, all of the details are here.  

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