Yes, I took the day off from blogging yesterday. I was having trouble loading photos to Blogger, so I decided it was a sign to rest and relax after being out of town for the month. I spent the day cozying up on a rainy day to my favorite farm animals, getting a facial, and making a pot of Texas chili with sweet cornbread muffins.
I was also lucky enough to come home to my BF and lots of presents from his trip to Oktoberfest and Prague (Yes, while I was working in Dallas, he was in Europe-not a fair trade!). I was dying to see what he got me and it was an eclectic mix of treasures, just the way I like it.
Starting off with a gift from Oktoberfest, I am hoping my pal, Lydia, chimes in on this one, but I guess all the ladies wear these cookie necklaces during the festival. A guy gives it to his girl to wear and it means something like "You have my heart". Okay, that is what I was told, but I am hoping for a little more clarity, so chime in the comments section if you have more information. It also made me laugh that many girls are seen stomping on their cookies if their boyfriends piss them off after a few beers. Oh, and if you see a little puncture hole at the bottom of the cookie, it is Indy's little teeth. She tried to eat my cookie.