1. Luggage: Take your big suitcase and put it back in the closet. If you are going to Europe, chances are you will be taking a lot of public transportation. It is easier to drag around a medium to small-sized suitcase versus your big, oversized American suitcase. If you wind up buying lots of gifts and go overboard on the shopping, then you can buy an extra bag for the trip home. I wish I had my medium suitcase after lugging my big suitcase through the umpteenth train turnstile. I always like a gym workout, but not with my suitcase as my dead weight.
Yes, there will be a shoe post coming soon. I bought 3 pairs in Paris and these are the beautiful Repetto shoes I coveted.
3. Sleep: My trip essentials always include my sleep mask, a travel blanket, and ear plugs for a restful sleep. I travel way too much and I find it is easier to make it dark, quiet, and cozy with these three items. I don't need to go into the germ factor about hotel blankets, so bring your own. It's small and easy to use at the hotel and on the plane. The best eye masks and blankets are made by Nap and are available at any Brookstone store. (According to a Sherman Oaks Brookstone employee, they are discontinuing this line. Be sure to stock up while you can!) My earplugs were purchased in a value pack from CVS. If I lose a set, there is always a back up available. Some hotels have thin walls, so you will appreciate a little soundproofing from time to time.
Those are my top 3 travel tips from my recent jaunt to Paris. I did really well with Tips #2 and #3, but failed miserably with Tip #1. Do you have any good travel tips to add? Share them with me in the comments below: