It's no secret that I am a shoe aficionado and for some reason I have been taking lots of pictures of my shoes when I am bored. Well, now that I am in Texas for the next month, I am trading in my typical footwear for a more casual shoe that I normally reserve for workouts only. Yep, my wardrobe involves a sneaker. While I die a little inside each time I lace up my Nikes, I know that back in my hotel I have a closetful of cute shoes just dying to be worn for an après-work cocktail. See the evolution of my footwear this week. From chic to geek........
My new favorite shoe by BCBG and yes, I bought both colors. I am wearing the gray ones on the left in this photo, but I brought the plum pair to Texas. I thought it would add a little color to my limited wardrobe while I am here. It is really hard to pack for a month when the weather fluctuates wildly and you never know whether you will be wearing a tank top or a a puffy coat from one day to the next. So, maybe my next post should be about how to pack for a month, try to be chic, and scam the airlines when your bag is over 50 pounds?
I had a little sojourn to downtown LA for some civic duties earlier this week and I was going a bit stir crazy waiting for my turn. What's a girl to do? Take a picture of her favorite BCBG platforms against a background of government-issued speckled tile. The story of why I was there is WAY more interesting than this photo, but I have to wait until the situation is resolved to write the book.

Ah, my Kelsi Dagger sandals that I bought on a whim from an Moxsie ad on Perez Hilton's site, talk about an impulse purchase! However, these sandals were worth it. They are comfortable and they even inspired a guy to chase me down in the airport to find out the designer's name for his wife who coveted my Daggers. The lovely tile background this time? Starbucks.

So, the chic footwear ends here as I am digging a pair of Nikes now through October 17th. Sadly, my Nikes aren't that comfortable and require squishy insoles plus a few Band-Aids to make it through the day. While I prefer a heel, I don't think anything but a sneaker would make it through a wet day at the State Fair of Texas. So, Nikes it is against a background of linoleum in my suite's kitchen.
I hope you all have a fantastic weekend. Please stop by on Monday here at Red Carpet Closet for a look at the opening weekend at The State Fair of Texas. Yee Haw!