Tuesday, August 3, 2010

ITVFest Highlights

Since we are a little over halfway through the 5th Annual ITVFest,  I want to share some highlights of what I have experienced so far:

Screenings:  Let me start right off with The Wine Guy.  I know a lot of you will say, "Isn't this just a copy of Gary Vaynerchuk and Wine Library TV?"  Well, it's not even close, one is a video blog, the other is a structured travel and food show.  Host, Anthony Gilardi, knows he isn't a wine expert like Gary, so he brings along an entourage to get you to understand more about wine, how it is made, and how to pair it with food.  Included in his merry band of colorful characters are a sommelier, a chef, a cheese maker, vineyard owners, and somehow he manages to collect actor, Michael Cudlitz, of TNT's Southland along the way.  The show is entertaining, well-produced, and perhaps, the best thing I have seen yet at ITVFest this year.  Unfortunately, all of the screenings of The Wine Guy are completed, but you can check the website for more information on the pilot or check out the trailer below:

**UPDATE**: There is one final screening of The Wine Guy on Thursday, August 5th at 5 PM.  Check it out if you are going to be down at ITVFest and let me know what you think of the show!

Panels:  I have been trying to hit as many panels as possible.  It has surprised me when I sit down to a half-empty theatre.  Content creators, get out of the house and down to Sunset 5!  The panels are affordable and they offer a powerhouse group of people who can help you with your show.  ITVFest is intimate enough that you can grab face time with some of the studio executives, agents, and production companies that are changing the face of independent television.  The Representation Panel I attended on Sunday, was a terrific opportunity to hear what the lawyers, agents, and managers are looking for in writers and producers.  I think actors are programmed to understanding how important representation is, but it was great to hear from the production side how having a team can help you and your work.

The Innovator Award:  The award this year was presented to Illeana Douglas at the gala last Thursday night.  She has made a big splash in the web space with her show, Easy to Assemble, and the support of the show sponsor, IKEA.  In honor of her contributions, here is my interview with Illeana from the red carpet.  Boy, that girl can rock a yellow jumpsuit like no other:

ITVFest runs through Thursday, August 5th.  For more information, check out the ITVFest website.

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