Thursday, March 29, 2012

Julia Roberts Is The Fairest One Of All

A few weeks ago, I kicked off my Monday with an interview with Julia Roberts.  I was coming off of my Oscars high and I thought, "Could this get any better?" No, probably not.  Mirror, Mirror is charming, campy fun that twists the story of Snow White and makes her a strong, take charge kind of gal.  The prince on the other hand, well.....he's a little sensitive.  Check out my interviews with Julia Roberts, Lily Collins, and Armie Hammer as we talk about the paparazzi, dating in the spotlight (Hello, Zac Efron/Lily Collins!), and running around shirtless in the movie (Hello, Armie Hammer!).  I would love to hear your thoughts on my iVillage interviews and be sure to check out the article written by my iVillage colleague, Ali Gray.

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