Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Digital Hollywood Content Summit

Well, that was fast.  I was going to take a few days off after my 22 non-stop days of work, but I got a call (okay, a Tweet) from SAG New Media inviting me to moderate a panel for Digital Hollywood Content Summit today.  The talented panel includes producers, actors, and creators from the New Media space who are going to share their experiences on "Actors, Social Media, and Celebrity:  Communications and Commerce".  I know all four of the panelists on a personal and professional level and this will definitely be a good opportunity to learn from the movers and shakers in the industry.  All of the information for the Digital Hollywood Content Summit panel is here.

Hope to see you there!

On the panel, Paula Rhodes and Stephanie Thorpe. You may remember Paula (photo above) and Stephanie (photo below) from my Live streaming coverage of ElfQuest.  If you missed it, you can find the photos, panel, trailer, articles, and red carpet coverage here and here.

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