Friday, August 20, 2010

Weekly Wrap-Up

This week flew by for me.  I had all of the intentions of getting a lot of home items checked off of the list, but somehow, it never happened.  I am going to start out of order this week, since many of you joined me yesterday with the launch of my OpenSky store.  I opened with my first item, a KC Malhan clutch, that I was going to pair up with an outfit at the red carpet premiere of collidE dance's blink/drEam.  If you are a fan of any of the dance shows on TV, you would have been thrilled to see many of the So You Think You Can Dance and America's Best Dance Crew alumni.  I will have the video up in a few days and wait until you see who I made cry.  Oh boy, what a moment on the red carpet!  Now, I unveil my look on the red carpet:
On the red carpet with my KC Malhan clutch
Here's the breakdown on the outfit:
Dress:  AnM $37 from Roni B.
Belt:  It was a purchase from Roni B.--designer and price unknown 
Shoes:  Tahari $75 from DSW
Last night's accessories
Accessorized with my Grandmother's vintage necklace and a huge sparkly floral ring.
Clutch: KC Malhan $58 

A new Web Files episode came out with a look at one of the most ambitious web series out there, Tyranny.  With a Bond girl in the cast, you can't go wrong:
And many thanks to Tubefilter writer, Mathieas McNaughton, for the great write-up about this episode.

Yes, another episode of MoreWireLess from Broadcom.  This week's episode goes back to Bluetooth 101 with "How to Connect your Wireless Mouse and Keyboard".  I think you all know how to do this, but if you don't, here's a step by step tutorial hosted by me:

Tuesday:  Yes, I said we were working backwards through the week, so I want to thank Jeff Lewis, the OCD real estate investor and designer from Bravo's Flipping Out, for sending so many of his fans on a treasure hunt for information on the Casa Vega remodel.  Hundreds of you came out in full force looking for spoilers on what happens with the Mexican restaurant renovation.  The famous hot spot is a place I frequent often and I haven't noticed any renovations lately.  Does that spoil the show for you?  Head on over to my original post that had the Jeff Lewis fans come en masse.  

Okay, my weekend is filled with rest and relaxation since next week will be a busy one.  I also hope to make it over to Macy's to cover the Glee clothing line launch at the Beverly Center.  If you are interested in attending, here are the details:
Where:  Macy's, The Beverly Center, LA--Juniors Department, Level 1
When:  August 21, 2010 from 2-4 PM
What:  Glee Clothing Line Launch/Autograph Session
Who:  Jenna Ushkowitz (Tina), Kevin McHale (Artie) and Heather Morris (Brittany)
**The first 300 customers who make a $50 purchase of Glee merchandise will receive a free autographed poster.

Have a great weekend and I will see you on Monday at Red Carpet Closet.


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