Sunday, June 20, 2010

Variety is the Spice of Life

If you want to know how varied my career is, take a look at these three videos that all came out this week.  From fitness to technology to the red carpet, I think I have covered it all:

The Rhythm Rocker Infomercial:  See me co-host a fitness video with Giuliana Rancic's personal trainer, Jennifer Galardi.  It was a long day on set, but a really enjoyable one.  Jenn and I got along fabulously and I loved my Lulu Lemon yoga pants.  Any day your butt looks good in tight pants, especially on TV, is a good one!  I hop onto the screen at about the 1:58 mark:

Broadcom: This is the first in a ten-week series delivering a the basics of Bluetooth. Although most of you are well-schooled in hooking up your Bluetooth technology, this video is for your aunt who is just getting rid of her flip cell phone with an antenna and joining the rest of us with Smart Phones.

Summer Festival of Short Films at The Egyptian: Back to my comfort zone, I hop on the red carpet 
to interview the cast and crew of several short films participating in the festival. The red carpet was 
pretty disorganized with actors running IN FRONT of the camera and ruining many interviews. Trust 
me, I have another red carpet post coming your way on this topic soon. It happens more than you think.
Reporting for Mingle Media TV, here's one of the interviews with the cast of Skip Listening:
P.S. I love this screen capture. What the heck am I doing with my hand?

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