Wednesday, March 31, 2010
KB is in the Big Apple!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Weekend Web Watch: Streamys Edition
We are into our fourth week of Weekend Web Watch and we dust off the vault to bring out one of my favorite episodes of 2009 and a three category nominee for the Streamy Awards: Oz Girl. They are nominated for Best Drama Web Series, Best Foreign Web Series, and Best Female Actor in a Drama Web Series for Sophie Tilson. It seems like a million years ago that we shot this episode, but it was in the middle of iTVFest that we sat down with the young and talented cast. They had an absolutely magical week at the festival and everyone wanted to find out what all the buzz was about. So step back to August 2009 with The Web Files and Oz Girl: Oz Girl
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Behind the Scenes of The Web Files Buzz, Episode 3

Next week brings a sit down interview with one of the belles of the web series ball, Taryn Southern. Be sure to check out our new episode next Wednesday.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
The Web.Files Buzz #3 – Mar 2010
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The Buzz about the Web Series Biz with Kristyn Burtt. This episode features an on-set visit to a new comedy called Fake It Till You Make It, created by and starring veteran actor Jaleel White of Road to the Altar fame. White has teamed up with award-winning web series director/producer Todd Pellegrino from P3 Entertainment in New York City. In Part II, composer and twitter aficionado Rob Gokee talks about his creative immersion into the web world, and his new book, In the Belly of the Fail Whale.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Streamys News and Updates

Presented by the International Academy of Web Television, the Streamy Awards recognize excellence in global web television programming for broadband distribution across 35 creative categories, from acting and directing, to editing and special effects. Members of the International Academy of Web Television review shows submitted through a free, public submissions process and vote on the final nominees and winners for each category. The Audience Choice Award for Best Web Television Series is selected by members of the public. Winners of the 2nd Annual Streamy Awards will be announced at the Streamy Awards Ceremony on April 11, 2010 at the Orpheum Theatre in Los Angeles. The Streamy Craft Award winners will be announced at a separate ceremony on April 7, 2010 at the Barnsdall Art Center in Hollywood. Founded in 2009, the Streamy Awards are co-hosted by a consortium of new media companies including Tubefilter News ( and NewTeeVee (, and are produced by Tubefilter, Inc. ( For more information, visit, follow @streamyawards on Twitter and become a Fan at Facebook."
I know The Orpheum was a location the committee originally looked at, so I am glad it worked out in the end. I do not know the actual reason for the venue change though. Is this big news? Well, here's a breakdown of the two theatres:
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Behind the Scenes of Chick
As always, feel free to comment below, I always love to hear your thoughts.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Weekend Web Watch: Streamys Edition
Thursday, March 18, 2010
The Web.Files #33 – Chick
Click to Play
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Behind the Scenes of A Good Knight's Quest

What a fun KNIGHT this was! Oh, I am punny today. Seriously, the red carpet was a blast and I enjoyed hearing about everyone's geeky hobbies. One thing I found interesting was that many of the women mentioned their computers and their use of the internet as geeky. I actually find that quite normal.....or maybe I am a huge geek and I am just in denial. The end of the episode features a terrific montage put together by Sandra and Perry Payne highlighting Brady Brim-DeForest's fencing skills (I was impaled), Michael Tohl's nunchucks, and the engineering brain power of Ariel Lazarus. Needless to say, I learned a lot about my fellow web series peers that night.
It was also a fun night because the Streamy nominations had been announced earlier in the day. Many of the nominees were in attendance, so it was nice to personally congratulate everyone. There was an electricity in the air, so I know that is going to be carried over to the 2nd Annual Streamy Awards on April 11th and also the Craft Awards on April 7th.
Now, if you watched this episode, you know we renamed it The Craig Frank Show. Craig and Brett Register are turning out to be quite the prolific web series producers, actors, and creators. Craig has made an appearance in at least three Web Files episodes, so he may just take over the show by the end of 2010. It is exciting to see what Brett and Craig are up to as they have become quite the comedy team whether it is The Crew, Craig and the Werewolf, or A Good Knight's Quest. Their series, this time around, came as a result of a win at The Escapist's 2009 Film Festival which helped fund the 24 episodes of the series. So you can see while they are creating web series at an impressive rate, they are also taking advantage of the tools out there to take them to the next level.
While many of you know Craig and Brett, don't forget about the 5'2" and Under Club! These ladies are "small, but mighty" and they are forces to be reckoned with. Mark my words, you will be hearing more from Producer/Actress Paula Rhodes, Cathy Baron, and Angie Cole (She arrived late, so we missed her on the red carpet. We'll get her next time.) I was lucky enough to join them for a photo on the red carpet. I miss the cutoff by an inch, so I made Jessica Rose balance out the tiny ones. It's rare that I ever feel tall, so I appreciate the petite ladies for making me look long-legged that night.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Albrecht, Diaz, Buckley, Pollak, and Who?
So, the Streamys nominations are out and everyone is gearing up in preparation for the show. At The Web Files, we have some nominee interviews coming your way and of course, we will be covering the red carpet on the big night. I know a lot of the ladies out there are looking for the perfect dress and I will admit, I have hit the gym a bit harder lately. While I am thrilled to be nominated for Best Web Series Host, I have to chuckle because I think at least three nominees said, "Albrecht, Buckley, Diaz, Pollak, and Who?" I am humbled by my fellow nominees because they inspire me to think about the levels The Web Files could reach if we continue to put in the hard work and dedication to the web space like Alex, Zadi (My admiration for Zadi and Steve Woolf can be seen in a prior post.), and Michael. And then there's Pollak, yes, Kevin Pollak. Um, when are you ever going to be nominated against Todd Hockney from The Usual Suspects? That's enough to keep an Oscar Geek like me happy. (The movie won for Screenplay and Best Supporting actor for Kevin Spacey in 1996). Kevin's show has inspired an LA Times article and brought even more attention to the web space. With these four fantastic nominees, I am more than okay with being the "And who?" Congratulations to my fellow nominees!
By the way, I think Michael Buckley needs to know that I am the biggest figure skating and gymnastics geek ever, so I think we should be friends....especially if he wants in on the best (and secret) gymn/figure skating gossip site ever. (Yep, there's a site for everything and it confirms that I am a geek!) So, Michael, I am in NYC before the Streamys, coffee or cocktails are on me if you want to meet up!
**UPDATE** Michael heard my call and he has agreed to meet up with me while I am in New York! I love the power of the internet. I can't wait to dish about figure skating and gymnastics with my new BFF....whom I hear is a pretty decent figure skater himself.
Also, we will be featuring some of our previous Web Files interviews from shows that are up for Streamy Awards as a part of our Weekend Web Watch. Our first weekend showcased Safety Geeks:SVI which is nominated for Best Visual Effects for Tom Konkle, Thor Melsted, and Mike Smith. It is a great episode for the IAWTV members to take a first or second look at since we go on set and check out what it take to build the composites for their show. Check out the episode here: Safety Geeks: SVI
Our next episode for our Weekend Web Watch honors Compulsions in two parts. An interview with creator/writer, Bernie Su, and producer, Michael Tohl. Part two focuses in on the red carpet premiere with the cast, crew, and distributor, Aimee Carlson of Dailymotion. Compulsions garnered 4 Streamy nominations for Best Actor: Craig Frank, Best Writing (Drama): Bernie Su, Best Director (Drama): Nathan Atkinson, and Best Drama Web Series. I first heard about Bernie's idea for a series over Thai food, so it feels like I have been around since the beginning with Compulsions. While it is only Thursday, you can get a head start with our Weekend Web Watch here:
Part One: Compulsions
Part Two: Red Carpet
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
The Web.Files #32 – A Good Knight’s Quest
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Web Files host, Kristyn Burtt, sets out on a Red Carpet adventure to talk with the cast members of the Escapist Magazine contest-winning web series, A Good Knights Quest, at their Hollywood premiere: producer Paula Rhodes, director Brett Register, Craig Frank, Cathy Baron, Charlie Bodin and Ben Cain, along with many other web series notables. Beware of swordplay, Ms. Burtt
Friday, March 5, 2010
Behind the Scenes of The Web Files Buzz, Episode 2
Of course, I cannot leave out the Ringmaster, David Lawrence XVII. I loved that he offered to audition for the role. I would have killed to have listened in on that phone call. I imagine Andrea didn't even think twice about casting him. David also let us in on some of the SAG new media news. We are working on a future episode to address the unions' role in New Media, so feel free to suggest any particular topics or questions you want us to address in the comment section below.
The second half of the show focused on The Resolve web series premiere at the new media favorite fiesta site, Busby's. Wow, I think there were over 300 attendees there to check out Russ Cootey's production. Impressive numbers and a busy red carpet--maybe a little too busy as we had to dodge actors walking into our shots and other media outlets, but Russ should be proud that The Resolve drew such a crowd. This episode convinced me that it's important for The Web Files to reach outside of the familiar faces of web series and take the opportunity to feature other shows that are making their mark. Russ kept us in the loop for several months, so I was aware of the show, production, and the eventual red carpet. Keep on sending those emails to us. I know Sandra and I both read them and I take notes on specific series. Along the way, I have learned that timing is always a key component to making decisions as to when and how we shoot certain shows. If I ever reply to your email with questions about premieres, finales, distribution dates, exciting news, etc, you will understand why. We want your episode of The Web Files to succeed as timing can make all of the difference and having those dates handy for us is really important.
Finally, I have to thank for their continued support of The Web Files. Week after week, they find a way to feature our show on the home page. They are always available to answer our tech questions and I think their player is one of the best in the business. So, thank you for letting us be a part of the Blip family.
If you haven't caught Episode 2 of The Web Files Buzz, click here: The Web Files Buzz.
Photos 4 and 5 courtesy of Melissa Anchondo.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
The Web.Files Buzz #2 – Mar 2010
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The Buzz about the Web Series Biz with Kristyn Burtt. This episode features an on-set visit with Olga Kays Circus, an interactive short film written and directed by Andrea Ball and featuring acting luminary, David Lawrence. Part II of the Buzz takes place on the red carpet at the premiere launch of the new web series, The Resolve, by Russ Cootey.
How to do LA in less than 7 Days

Well, that's all I've got. Phew. I wish every week in LA was that much fun. Don't worry, LA, I will be back for a fun filled 3 days mid-month. Yep, 3 days.